According to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), small businesses account for 52 percent of all U.S. workers. Around 19.6 million Americans work for smaller businesses employing fewer than 20 workers, with 18.4 million working alongside 20 and 99 workers and 14.6 million working for businesses with 100 to 499 employees. Around 47.7 million Americans work for firms employing 500 or more.
So, with so many Americans working for smaller sized businesses, you would think that many would be aware of the advancements that are taking place with regards to business communications in order to compete with their much larger counterparts. Keeping up-to -date with the latest developments in the business world is vital for smaller companies now more than ever. Every year thousands of start-up businesses are forced to admit defeat due to lack of revenue, clientele or staff numbers.
A major factor in the lack of continued success for such businesses is a lack of knowledge in communications. It is this reason why I urge businesses of all sizes to fully consider the benefits they could achieve thanks to the advancements in telecommunication services and products.
One way in which a business can enhance their communication is through teleconferencing. Unfortunately most small businesses are under the misconception that such technology is available only to major organisations and much bigger competitors. However, this is not the case and it is important that all businesses are using such services to their full potential. If small business owners were to realise this, then their business communications could be greatly improved by teleconferencing and they could soon be giving the bigger boys a run for their money.
Smaller businesses should not be put off by the big size, figures and revenues of their larger counterparts. If an urgent and unavoidable matter arises with the company that has a solid communication network, then it is a simple case of starting up a conference call with all parties concerned. The problem is solved and business can go on as usual. But for the small business that hasn't prepared itself, even a minor issue could have a major and long-lasting effect on the business.
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